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Practical Jupyter Notebook from Beginner to Expert

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About Course

This course consists of 7 sections, including 30 lectures, which cover the core of the Jupyter Notebook from the basic concepts, operations to detailed applications. It includes:

(1) install Python, setup windows new terminal, install Jupyter notebook and create Jupyter notebook, create working directory and access it from Windows terminal;

(2) create, display and run .py file, run external IPython files, formatting text with Markdown and HTML in Jupyter notebook;

(3) create tables, insert equations, embed images, audios, and videos into Jupyter notebook and align them using Markdown, HTML, Magics, IPython functions, etc.

(4)  change themes, use widely used shortcuts, smart code completion plugin, multi-line cursors, popular magic commands, install packages directly in Jupyter notebook, as well as use the built-in terminal;

(5) create basic plotting, interactive plotting and Interactive plot widget in Jupyter notebook;

(6) make a content table for an inside Jupyter notebook and for multiple notebooks, convert a notebook to a presentation slideshow, and transfer a notebook to a web application.

This course uses practical examples to help you understand and grasp the Jupyter Notebook from a beginner to an expert in an easy and quick way. This one course is enough for you to grasp almost all aspect of the Jupyter notebook.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Install Python, setup windows new terminal, install Jupyter notebook and create Jupyter notebook, create working directory and access it from the terminal
  • Create, display and run .py file, run external IPython files, formating text with Markdown and HTML, run R and Javascript in Jupyter notebook
  • Create, insert equations, embed images, audios and videos into Jupyter notebook and align them in Jupyter notebook
  • Change themes, use widely used shortcuts, smart code completion plugin, multi-line cursors, popular magic commands , install packages directly in Jupyter notebo
  • Create basic plots, interactive plots and interactive plot widget in Jupyter notebook
  • Create a content table for a single or multiple notebooks, and convert notebook to a instant and live slideshow and a standalone web application
  • Solve unavailable problem of Built-in terminal of Jupyter notebook on Windows, Solve problem of R unable to install packages on onedrive on Widows

Course Content

It introduces the course instructor, benefits from the course, course components and ideal students, as well as the course contents.

Setting Up Development Environment
You will be able to install traditional Python on Windows, setup Windows New Terminal , Install Jupyter Notebook, start Jupyter Notebook, Create Working Directory and Jupyter notbook

Basic Applications
You will be able to create, read, append, update and run Python(.py) file, run an external .ipynb file, and run codes from a Python and IPython Shell in Jupyter notebook cells directly.

Advanced Features
You will be able to chang theme, use frequently used shortcuts, use smart code completion, use the multi-line cursor and built-in terminal, install packages directly in Jupyter Notebook,

Data Visualization
You will be able to make data visualization plots, such as basic plots, interactive plots and Interactive plot widget in Jupyter Notebook

Notebooks Organizing and Displaying
You will be able to make a table of content (TOC) inside a Jupyter notebook and for multiple notebooks, convert notebook to a presentation slideshow and a standalone web application.

After these appendix lectures, students will be able to solve some problems that they may face during using Jupyter notebook,

Student Ratings & Reviews

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Shouke Wei
2 years ago
Very detailed course, which display how to use Jupyter notebook.

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