Wavelet Transforms (WT) or wavelet analysis is probably the most recent solution to overcome the shortcomings of the Fourier Transform
Author: Shouke Wei
Nearly 20 years of research and teaching experience and 10 years of entrepreneur and management experience in computer modelling and simulation, big data analysis, machine learning algorithms; Ph.D. in Environment and Resource Management; Postdoctoral scientist, and Ph.D. supervisor in Environmental System Modelling; Research associate and Visiting scientist in Forest Hydrological Ecosystem Modelling; Industrial Professor, Adjunct Professor teaching AI and machine learning courses and Postgraduate supervisor in Deep reinforcement learning and Computer vision; Senior Research in R&D of real time monitoring and early warning system platform for water protection, human safety and health; Participated in or hodeling 12 international research projects; Participated as an invited key speaker in 12 scientific conferences and workshops; Having 27 software copyrights, 4 patents and over 40 pulications.
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PyWavelets is probably the most Powerful Wavelet Transform Library of Python Today Wavelet Transforms (WT) or wavelet analysis is probably